t4e fa$t
that town is full of badasses. badasses with puerto rican accents, badasses with leather jackets and tight rocker pants, badasses behind counters and carts, badasses on bikes and trains, badasses in uniformes and tool belts, beautiful and ugly badasses, badasses from thier parents basements in orange county, badasses in bands with guitars, and badasses who never even knew they were ever even so damn bad.
a float in a sea of rough and tumble hard-drinking hard-talking pussy-ass dime-a-dozen typical badasses.
listening to ))) loud stuff
Saccharine Trust - Sunk
Reagan Youth - USA for Anarchy
1 h@ve |3een awAy
i have been away. i have been to the other side of my flat planet and now i have retured bearing gifts and sordid tales. the lay of the land is magical and exciting, and i am its slave. following it from bar to bar and house to house in search of the perfect tale for all of my amazing invisible friends.
listening to ))) the styrofoam peanuts in my head
The Ramones - Go Mental
The Hot Snakes - Hair and DNA