Saturday, January 26, 2008

0ff t|=|e r@d@r

since nobody really listens to me or reads these i may as well give you good advice. these two flix are so good they aren't even on the radar. the first is Sunshine. this movie is goooood! event horizon, 2001, red planet, good. trust me. it's the best sci-fi movie you have never heard of.

the next movie is Trade. its a movie about the sex slave trade in the US and Mexico. this movie should be seen by everybody. things like this go on every day and you should know about it. it also has kevin kline (phoebe kate's kevin klein) and he does an amazing job along with a bunch of other actors that are equally as good that i have never seen before.

so get off your asses and then get back on them and catch these flix!
