Monday, November 08, 2004

b@s3d 0n @ p1c+uR3 ~ oo 9 NIHNE

... d, well here we go again. the picture berfore you is one of my old LB apt. at 1321 ocean BLVD. in the good ol' GG (the gay ghetto as the locals call it ). the spot was fun but had its draw backs along with some advantages coming in the form of good times and good people.
at this time i had just moved out of one apt (on appleton, 3 blks away) to another. at the new place i felt a lil more alone than i had with my old roomate 'W'. my days were filled with various jobs out on the west side of town (santa monica) web crap, print design, blah blah blah. for a while liver abuse was the name of the game. v-room, ferns, the red room, etc.. unfortunately i am one of those dive bar afficionados ( :( ) , so there was a decent amount of time spent with all that nonsense. that and tony hawk ONE. it was good shit playing with friends and gabbin' the night away.
in my opinion the best thing that ever happened at that apt happened sept of 99' at a party on my roof at a neighbor party. i met quite a lil lady and tried once again at the brass ring. :)